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19 mortifying Debs horror stories

Ah, memories.

WE’RE RIGHT IN the thick of Debs season and for that reason, we asked you to send us your ‘worst Debs stories’. (You can read some of ours here.)

And you did not disappoint.

Here are some of our favourites.

1. This vintage tale


Ah Bewleys. The sight of many a Debs feed.

2. “Hi, nice to meet you. Please don’t look at my eyebrows as there is nothing to see there.”

Lqjshz7 Source: Imgur

3. Oh.

tupac Source: YouTube


5. Many an Irish woman has dealt with a “fitted” Debs dress.

ZtDKO0a Source: Imgur

6. Seriously, though — aren’t you glad you’re not a teenager anymore?


7. ESB — Ireland’s premier electricity provider and sound lads all around

ESB (1)


9. You thought your Debs was grim? At least your parents weren’t there.

parents2 Source: Rhett Sutphin/Flickr

10. Much more teacher scoring going on than we could ever have anticipated!

sambuca Source: Flickr

11. No five words have ever conveyed more heartbreak.

waiter Source: Flickr


13. “Sorry love, can I get past you there?”


14. Don’t deny it: we have all been that guy.

suit Source: Flickr

15. And maybe that guy?

16. Bold. Brave. Courageous.

kiss2 Source: Flickr


18. Every Irish woman has been out with a ‘Mumbles’ at some hour of her life.

wedding Source: Flickr

19. And this gal? This gal didn’t remember anything.

rescue remedy

Probably for the best, really.


Have a good Debs story? Let us know in the comments or tweet us @dailyedge using the hashtag #MyDebsStory

Previously: ‘I Scored A Teacher’: Send Us Your Worst Debs Stories >

11 things sex in the movies lied to us all about >

About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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